Call To Power 2 Apolyton Edition Download

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This is the 1.1 patch for Call to Power II. It includes fixes to a number of multiplayer issues, diplomacy issues, and several other issues.


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Call To Power 2 Apolyton Edition Download

This is the Apolyton version of the Call to Power II source code based on the released source code from Activision, that did not include the patch. The code has been stripped of comments, but is otherwise complete as far as Activision's code goes. It was originally built with Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0. In the mean time the Apolyton code was modified so that it works with the .NET compiler as well.This version builds on Linux (i386 and x86_64), Pandora and Pyra.

Note that the game files are not included in this repo, you can get them from the original CD or from the GoG version.


This version should support CD Audio music, and also supports Ripped CD Audio compressed as ogg (like found in the GoG version). The Audio tracks should be named Track02.ogg to Track11.ogg and be in the ctp2_program/ctp/music folder.

Building on Linux

Call To Power 2 Apolyton Edition Download

You will probably need GCC 5.x or later to build. The code doesn't seem to build on GCC 4.8.


You will need SDL 1.2, SDL_Mixer, SDL_Image and the GTK 2.0 libraries.You will also need byaccOn debian and friends, use sudo apt install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev byacc gtk2.0-dev to install them all.

The build itself is pretty classing and straight forward:

If you want to build a debug version it is:

The option -Og optimizes bulds for debugging, this speeds up the debug function and should in general not change anything of the behavior of the executable, however it still could do so. In that case remove the -Og option.

You can look at ./configure for options, but there aren't many.

Also, note that make -j4 may fail the first time. Some files are auto-generated and the make dependencies don't catch that.

Finally, you may have to use gold instead of ld for link (add -fuse-ld=gold to your CFLAGS & CXXFLAGS if needed).

Installation on Linux

Since CTP2 was originally a Windows game and CTP2 is not free even if its source code has been released, the installation process is a bit complicated.

Prepare the data

Civilization Call To Power Steam

First, you need the original game files of CTP2.If you have the CD version, it's better to install it on a Windows machine / using Wine and copy over the files. You need the folders ctp2_data, ctp2_program and Scenarios.

If you have the GoG version, use innoextract to extract all the required files (you can sudo apt install innoextract if you need) from the setup_call_to_power2_2.0.0.13.exe windows installer.For example innoextract -m -I app setup_call_to_power2_2.0.0.13.exe will extract the appfolder that contains all the game files, which are in the same subfolders as in the CD version: ctp2_data, ctp2_program and Scenarios.

Put those folder in you home path or anywhere else, for example ~/ctp2

Install the Apolyton edition

Once you have the original game files, copy the updated files from this git over them. Simply cp -r ctp2_data/* ~/ctp2/ctp2_data should do that.Note, that this is a Windows game, where file names are case-insensitive. This version of CTP2 handles this, and file names can have any case, but the cp command may not overwrite the files that differ in case. If you find a strange behavior or think the files are not up-to-date, check that you don't have 2 copies of a file in different cases (lowercase everything if needed). With the GoG version, no renaming is needed.

Copy Linux executable

When the build is over, you need to copy the main CTP2 executable, plus the mapgen libraries to the program folder (wich is ctp2_program/ctp).for the executable, and the command is something like: cp -v ctp2_code/ctp2 ~/ctp2/ctp2_program/ctp/The mapgen libraries will go to ctp2_program/ctp/dll/map/ .So do something like cp -v ctp2_code/mapgen/.libs/*.so ~/ctp2/ctp2_program/ctp/dll/map/

If you get the message on the terminal: Failed to load module 'atk-bridge'. Install at-spi with sudo apt install at-spi.


When everything is setup, simply go to the program folder, for example with cd ~/ctp2/ctp2_program/ctp and launch the game with ./ctp2. There are a few command line option like -fullscreen that can be useful.

Converting old Linux save-games to new unified format

The old format of Linux save-games was not compatible with that of windows save-games. The format is now unified such that each OS can open save-games from the other. However, due to this, old Linux save-games need to be converted to the new format if you want to continue with those under the new ctp2 version (after 22dd1804804). A game-converter-version was created for this purpose (see, #77), which can load the old format but saves games to the new format.

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